π-water was found in piled up researches of plants.
Beginning was the research for plants.
IBE has been researching "water" that plays an important role in plant's growth since 1975. "π-water" was found during the research for botanical physiology. From our long term experiments and experiences we now understand energized water brings amazing effects on living things. We have repeatedly observed phenomena that shelf life of flower will lengthened, the growth of plants will be enhanced, and so on. π-water developed by IBE demonstrates its great power as the water that helps the original potentials of plants. All products IBE developed are made by application of such power of WATER.
Restoring the earth protects your body and life.
As a company that has close relation to water, we are thinking about good water and will develop human- and eco- friendly products with our technology. We will support the future of the earth and human being through the research and development of π-water.
Shinji MAKINO, Ph.D.
Developer of π-water and its systems.
Born in Aichi prefecture, Japan, Doctor Makino graduated from the Science Department of Tohoku University. He attained his doctorate from the Graduate School of Nagoya University. In 1975, after working at a pharmaceutical company for a time, he founded IBE, a limited company, aimed at developing and applying the π-water system. Since then he has been active in π-water research and its applications in health and fitness, biotechnology, agriculture, engineering, and fisheries.In 1995 the Association for Research and Propagation of Bio Energy Systems was established and he was installed as the chief director.
How π-water was discovered
π-water was discovered during the study of physiology of plants. In 1964 in Japan the late professor Yoshiaki Goto and Dr. Shoji Yamashita of agricultural department of Nagoya University noticed the living water contained in plants is the very important factor in flower bud differentiation during their study of it.
Dr. Yamashita tentatively named the water, "the water that is very similar to living water," as "π-water." Afterward it was explicated that π-water plays an important role not only in flower bud differentiation but also in healthy growing of plants and animals. The property of π-water is induced by very small amount of iron ions which are called ferric ferrous salts in highly energized state.
π-water supports healthy growth of all living things. Dr. Shinji Makino, the founder of IBE company, studied π-water with Dr. Yamashita and put it to practical uses and developed various products so that many people can use and enjoy it.
Our company has been seeking the ways to utilize π-water technology to keep the health and protect the environment since the discovery of it.
After long study of π-water, IBE devised the original π-water systems. π-water systems are mechanisms that activate water molecules by catalytic function of small amount of excited iron ions and minerals.
The essence of this technology is based upon harmony with nature. It will not produce matters that don't exist in nature. It will not produce harmful things to human's body. Products produced by π-water systems originate from nature and the application of the technology causes activation of biosphere and non-biosphere, which supports the balance of all.
π-water systems have been put to practical uses in various fields such as agriculture, stockbreeding, manufacturing, environmental protections, and health industries.